Tissue Culture Service

Tissue Culture

Tissue culture is a process of artificially growing plants from healthy donor plants under sterile, virus free, controlled lab conditions.

Considering the short growing cycle, tissue culture is an ideal technique in producing a large numbers of plants within a short period of time.

We have a well equipped tissue culture lab. We maintain high quality standards at each step of the process.

We employ tissue culture micropropagation to produce cleaner, healthier, and genetically elite plants.

Healthy Donor Plant

Plant tissue is disinfected, decontaminated and then placed in a sterile culture vessel

Tissue Sampling

The tissue from donor plan multiply within it's culture environment dividing into two plants

Healthy New Plant

The new plants are transferred to a vessel to be acclimated for greenhouse or indoor growing

Media preperation and media filling
RO water unit, weighing scales and balances, built cupboards/drawers for media storage

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